Research Policies
Pioneering research activities on Tamil Language and Culture
- Hundreds of Research Projects on Tamil language and culture funded by various international, national and state organizations such as UGU, CSIR, ICHR, ASI, INSA, ICSSR, NISTADS, CICT, Ford Foundation and CIIL, in addition to the support from the Government of Tamil Nadu, have been completed.
- Hundreds of international, national and state level conferences, seminars, workshops and training programmes have been organised to disseminate and generate knowledge and new ideas.
- Seventy endowments have been established for the generation of new ideas and dissemination of knowledge through lectures, student fellowships and awards.
- More than 5000 texts of palm leaf manuscripts have been collected and are preserved in the University.
- Several aspects of Tamil language, literature, culture, art and architecture, fine arts have been researched by the faculty of the university
- Important Tamil Brahmi inscriptions and archaeological sites have been discovered by the faculty and students of the university
- Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt of India has identified the Department of Industries and Earth Sciences as nodal centre for research activites on placer mineral deposits.
- Many important archaeological sites such as Vallam, Periyapattinam, Kodumanal, Tandikkudy and Nagapattinam have been excavated by the University
Research Promotion policy: Click Here
Researchers’ Travel and Guidance Bureau: Click Here
Code of Conduct for Research
Tamil University adopts strict standards in research, since higher level research is its thrust area. The teachers maintain strict control over the research writing.
- Misconduct in research is an act of breaching scholarly honesty. It is viewed seriously at Tamil University which may lead to termination of the candidate from the programme or other formal action including legal action.
- The misconduct includes:
- Fabrication of data: proclamation of a non- existing study results.
- Falsification: alteration of existing data.
- Plagiarism: This can be defined as an intentional or unintentional act of copying ideas, methods, phrases, results or any intellectual material which belongs to others without proper acknowledgement or quoting appropriate references. (Note: A maximum of 30% similarity is acceptable)
- Misleading authorship: attributing to those who did not contribute in the research and inappropriate acknowledgement of work produced by those involved in research.
- A candidate involved in misconduct of research will be dealt with according to the Rules and Regulations of The Tamil University.
Consultancy Policy: Click Here
Publications for the People and Scholarly World
- 17 volumes – Science Encyclopedia (in Tamil)
- 17 volumes – Humanities Encyclopedia (in Tamil)
- Greater Tamil Lexicon
- Concordance of Sangam Tamil Literature
- Dictionary of Technical Terms in Tamil
- More than 500 Books on various subjects in Tamil
Intellectual Properties and Industry Linkage Programmes
Industry Linkage Programmes – Activity Report
The University-Industry Linkage programme of the UGC was implemented in Tamil University in 2013-14.
A brainstorming session was organised with the participation of the Dr. M. Thirumalai, Former Vice Chancellor, Tamil University; Dr. Muthuchezhian, Former Vice Chancellor, Periyar University; R. Venkatachalapathy, Director, Placement Cell, Periyar University; Dr. G. S. Selvam, Professor and Chair of Department of Biochemistry, Madurai
Kamarajar University; Dr.M. Jayakumar, Prof. of Extension, Bharathiar University Coimbatore, and the Heads of the Departments of Tamil University on March 09, 2014.
Several suggestions were made for the implementation of this programme in Tamil University. A few of the activities suggested are listed below.
- Creation of a Technology Park in the Tamil University.
- Organization of an exhibition on science and technology.
- Offering short-term training modules on cultural heritage to the students of local colleges on various subjects at Tamil University, using the expertise of the Tamil University’s Faculty Members.
The programme was organised by Dr. R. Neelakantan, Coordinator, University-Industry Linkage Programme,
Tamil University, Thanjavur. Efforts are on to implement these suggestions.
UGC ENCORE Programme-Industry Linkage Related
Under the ENCORE programme, sponsored by the UGC, a training programme on
instrumental techniques for food safety, processing and drug analysis was organised for
enhancing the scholarly research level training for the research scholars and faculty
members. This training programme was organised for ten days in March 2014 for 15 research
scholars and faculty members selected from the Departments of the Science Faculty of Tamil
University. Scientists from Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology, Thanjavur and
Central Council for Research in Ayurvedha and Siddha, Chennai were invited for delivering
lectures and to provide training, utilizing the facilities of IICPT laboratory to the participants.
This programme was coordinated by Dr.V.Elango, Assistant Professor, Department of
Siddha Medicine.
Education and Award of Degrees
Empowering students from rural and Poor Socio-economic Background, and Focus on Education through Mother Tongue Hundreds of PhDs, Hundreds of M.Phil. Graduates, Thousands of Post-Graduates, Students of Tamil University.
Programmes for Government Officers
For Promoting Tamil as administrative Language
Tamil Language Coaching program for IAS and IPS officers
Programmes for Non-Resident Indians
Training Programmes on Tamil Language and Culture for Scholars and Students from Malaysia and Singapore.
Public Outreach

Caring for the Public; Creating awareness and understanding among the public on Tamil Culture and Heritage
- Exhibitions and awareness programmes for the Public on Tamil culture
- NSS program for Public welfare
- Library with 170,000 books for the benefit of the public, scholars and students
- Museum for public awareness on archaeology, culture and heritage
Social Justice
Empowering the students from the rural and poor socio-economic background
- Special Coaching for SC, ST, BC and Minority Students
- Coaching for UGC, IAS and UGC NET Exams